what to expect

STEP 1: Initial Yoga Therapy Consultation (90-min)


During your Initial Yoga Therapy Consultation, your current experience, symptoms, goals, and needs are assessed using yoga therapy techniques, including:

  • Conversation

  • Health and lifestyle questions

  • Listening to the pulse

  • Gentle, guided exploration of various yoga tools and techniques


Together, we will clarify what you are experiencing right now, what your goals are for your health and well-being, and discover which yoga tools and techniques might be most beneficial and enjoyable for you in your home practice.

Then, I use a yoga-based perspective of how your system is functioning to create a personalized yoga plan and practice that honors your preferences, goals, and priorities. Your personal practice is designed to address your symptoms and support you in moving toward increased vitality, inner calm, heart-connection, and joy.

STEP 2: 1-Week Follow-Up Session (75-min)


At your 1-Week Follow-Up Session (three to seven days after your Initial Consultation), you will receive:

  • Your individualized yoga practice addressing your specific symptoms, needs, and goals

  • Lifestyle recommendations to support your overall wellness and self-care

I guide, teach, and support you in learning your new practice, which you take home with you in writing for daily use.

STEP 3: Yoga Therapy Sessions (60-min)


Typically, the next Yoga Therapy Session is scheduled one to two weeks after the 1-Week Follow Up in order for you to receive:

  • Guidance and support as you bring these new practices into your life

  • Ongoing assessment and updates to your practice as things change

All Yoga Therapy Sessions include conversation about your experience and a guided yoga practice.

I provide support and encouragement as you develop your personal relationship with your practice at home and allow it to nourish you every day. We review your progress, explore new tools and techniques, and update your home practice as things change.

We continue to meet regularly for Yoga Therapy Sessions at the frequency you find most supportive and beneficial to you.

How Often To Meet?

Often, it can be helpful to meet more frequently at first (every 1-2 weeks), and then later to shift to monthly as we continue to address your symptoms and concerns. The frequency is completely up to you. You may stop or resume yoga therapy sessions at any time you choose.


Client sessions are held in my cozy home studio in NE Minneapolis.