Yoga therapy is yoga for the specific purpose of healing. It is an individualized approach that adapts and applies the tools of yoga, (which include gentle movement, breath, and meditation), to the specific needs of the individual. A yoga therapist starts with who you are, and the specific symptoms you are experiencing—and then creates a personal yoga practice to meet your needs, address your symptoms, and help you to feel better. 


Yoga teaches that we are multi-dimensional beings made up of five key levels of functioning: our body, our breath, our mind, our emotions, and our experience of joy at a deep heart-level. Yoga therapy addresses our symptoms and health goals from this holistic perspective, with an understanding that what we experience on one level affects and is connected to each of the others. 


The purpose of yoga therapy is to help people experiencing difficulty on any level—body, breath, mind, emotion, or joy—to address symptoms, reduce suffering, and improve overall functioning and quality of life. Yoga therapy offers new tools and resources for living life in ways that bring more nourishment, vitality, inner calm, heart-connection, and joy.


Tools and techniques used in yoga therapy include:  

  • Gentle Movement

  • Breath

  • Meditation

  • Visualization

  • Sound / Chanting

  • Nyāsa

  • Lifestyle

  • Ritual

  • Oiling

  • Relaxation

  • Yoga Postures


Not all tools and techniques are used for all people, as each practice is unique and individualized. If there is something you prefer not to do—this is no problem. We will only work with tools you enjoy for your practice.
