Benefits of Yoga Therapy

At its core, yoga helps us to connect to ourselves, and to find more calm, more comfort, and more ease in our body, our breath, our mind, our emotions—and in our lives. 

Yoga can help us to relax and release deeply held tensions and to influence the health, vitality, and functioning of our system at all levels.

Potential benefits of yoga therapy include: 

  • Deeper breath

  • Calmer mind

  • Reduced pain

  • Increased relaxation

  • Increased flexibility

  • Better sleep

  • Better digestion

  • More connected to intuition /
    inner knowing

  • More connected to body

  • Release stress held in body

  • New tools to navigate difficulty

  • Increased inner resources / resilience

Potential long-term benefits of yoga practice over time include:

  • Personal transformation on all levels –physical, mental, emotional, spiritual

  • Ability to stay steady in hard times and through change

  • Increased sense of trust, safety, peace,
    and joy

  • Increased sense of inner self and ability to hear / listen to inner knowing

  • Increased authenticity

  • Increased vitality

  • Increased connection to sense of
    self and purpose
